In this fascinating episode of Shaping a Pottery, host Nic Torres chats with the talented Tony Young, whose graffiti-inspired pottery and innovative use of AI in ceramic art have garnered attention in Ceramics Monthly. Tony shares his journey from...
In this fascinating episode of Shaping a Pottery, host Nic Torres chats with the talented Tony Young, whose graffiti-inspired pottery and innovative use of AI in ceramic art have garnered attention in Ceramics Monthly. Tony shares his journey from college to high school teacher and how his experiences and travels have shaped his unique Graffito style. Delve into Tony's creative process, learn about his techniques, and discover the role AI plays in generating new imagery for his work. Join Nic and Tony as they explore the captivating world of graffiti-inspired pottery and how Tony's passion for experimentation and rule-breaking has led to his success in the pottery world. You can learn more about Tony by checking out his Instagram @youngy_03
Top 3 Value Bombs:
1. Incorporating AI into Pottery: Tony Young shares how he uses AI to generate new imagery for his pottery, providing inspiration and speeding up the sketching process. By experimenting with AI, artists can discover new techniques and ideas to incorporate into their work.
2. Importance of Experimentation: Tony emphasizes the significance of trying new techniques and pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. By testing and evolving their work, artists can find their unique voice and improve their craft.
3. Learning from Others: Tony suggests that collecting other potters' work and observing their techniques can help artists refine their own skills. By learning from fellow artists and drawing inspiration from their work, potters can create better, more unique pottery.
and so much more
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HS Ceramics Instructor, professional potter, donut destroyer
Tony Young graduated from Bowling Green State University and works primarily from his home studio in Ohio. He is a High School art teacher currently in his 18th year of education. He loves teaching art and especially has a passion for ceramics. He was primarily a sculptor until 2017 and since has focused on functional ceramics. Slip casting cups gave him a vehicle to dabble in the functional, and since he’s begun to make the majority of his work on the wheel. Tony’s work has been accepted into more than 20 exhibitions in the past few years and was published in Ceramics Monthly.